About Us
LEADALEAP is producing rich contents in early learning and family entertainment for the global market using the latest technologies and techniques.
We are creating apps, games, and short animated series to improve the way children learn and make learning fun in school, at home, and on the go.
LEADALEAP was born out of necessity to improve early childhood education in Africa and across the world. As a key component, our products address social issues from improving early reading to combating global warming in a fun, active, and engaging way.
LEADALEAP is an acronym for:
Little Leaders of Africa Learning Program (Africa-focused)
Little Leaders Active Learning Program (Global)
Chief Executive Officer
Rebecca is a project management professional. She worked as an administrative officer at a social enterprise working for children. She is a co-author of many titles on children's development.
Chief Technical Officer
Paul worked as an early-grade teacher for 8 years. He is an author of over 20 children’s titles. He is a DevOps engineer, and a self-taught computer game developer and graphic designer.